Beavers Photographer Badge

Beaver Photographer

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Show how to use a camera and take a good photograph

Find a way to teach other people how to do the same – maybe draw a poster with some tips for taking good photos.

Take 10 or more photos

Use a camera or phone camera to take some photos around your house or garden or out on a walk.
i. You could take photos of your toys or pets
ii. If you take photos of people, make sure you ask their permission first!
Why do you like these photos? What made you take them?

Make something with the photos you have taken, you could make a:

a. Card
b. Calendar
c. Poster
d. Scrapbook/collage
e. Slideshow
f. To illustrate a simple story


Send any work that you do for this badge to [email protected] or keep it safe and bring it along when Scouting returns.

Any questions, use the same email address, or for parents; post in Facebook, or message a leader.

There are some extra activities which you could do below!

Pose for a Picture 

You will need: 

  • Scrap paper 
  • Scissors
  • Camera/phone 
  1. Take a piece of scrap paper/junk mail and fold it in half 
  2. Draw a rectangle on the folded end, leaving a border about 3cm thick 
  3. Cut your rectangle out and put it in the recycling bin  
  4. Open up the paper, to reveal your viewfinder  
  5. Explore using your viewfinder, framing and ‘taking pictures of’ things and people that look interesting  
  6. Try out taking a photo of a view that you have framed with your viewfinder  

Fabulous Fancy Frames 

You will need: 

  • A4 card 
  • Coloured pens/pencils 
  • Craft materials (e.g. tissue paper, pipe cleaner, stickers) 
  • Glue sticks 
  • Photos 
  1. Find some photos which you have taken that make you feel happy  
  2. They might be of friends, family, pets, holidays, or special places 
  3. If it is a really special photo that you only have 1 copy of, maybe take a photo of the photo and use that instead! 
  4. Take a piece of card and put your photo in the middle, move it around until you are happy with where it is  
  5. Draw around your photo with a pencil and then put the photo aside 
  6. Decorate the border of the frame with pens, stamps, stickers, and other photos  
  7. Try to make sure every bit is bright and colourful, but leave the rectangle in the middle blank (this will be covered by your photo) 
  8. You could add other things to tell the story of what is happening in the photo, such as tickets from the day out, or dried flowers to decorate a photo of nature  
  9. Once you are done with the border, glue your photo onto the rectangle space in the middle of the frame 

pdf version for printing