Beavers Gardeners Badge

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Find out what happens to trees in each of the 4 seasons

a. Collect some leaves, or draw some pictures showing what trees look like in each season

Learn what tools you need to garden and how to use some of the tools safely

a. Create a poster about some important garden tools

Find out what plants need to grow

a. Draw a picture of a plant and write all the different things that it needs to grow around the edge

Help to look after a garden or allotment for 2 months

a. Help to keep it tidy, help plants to grow well, and keep weeds away!

Keep a record of what you have done and the changes you see

a. Keep a diary of the different things that you do and the changes that you see

b. Which plants have you seen grow?


Send any work that you do for this badge to [email protected] or keep it somewhere safe and bring it along when Scouting returns

Any questions, use the same email address, or for parents; post in Facebook, or message a leader.

There are some extra activities which you could do below!

Tiny Tube Trees

You will need:
• Cardboard tubes (e.g. toilet roll tubes)
• Paint and paint brushes (or some pens and pencils)
• A4 card
• Masking tape
• PVA glue
• Materials such as string, wool, and tissue paper
• Materials for printing (e.g. corks, popcorn)

Take a cardboard tube and paint (or colour) it to look like a tree trunk

Tape or glue your tree trunk onto a piece of card, leaving plenty of space to add some branches

Use a range of paints and materials to print, finger paint, or collage branches (and other things for the season, such as leaves, blossom, or flowers)

Repeat for each of the 4 seasons! Some handy information is included below!
a. Spring: trees have young, pale green leaves. Some have blossom, flowers, or buds.
b. Summer: the leaves are darker green and fully grown. Some trees start to grow fruits and nuts.
c. Autumn: the leaves change colour and turn yellow, orange, red, and brown. Then, the leaves fall off. Any nuts of fruits are ready for humans or animals to eat.
d. Winter: trees have no leaves. Because they’re bare, all of the tranches and twigs (the shape of the tree) can be seen.

To Grow or Not to Grow

You will need:
• Plant pots
• A ruler
• Soil
• Cress seeds
• Watering can

Plant some cress seeds in soil in 4 different pots
a. Keep them as identical as you can
b. You are going to keep these plants in 4 different conditions to see how they grow

Create 4 labels, one for each pot – the labels should include:
a. Good conditions
b. No water
c. No air
d. No light

Plan how you will make sure each plant gets the things that they are supposed to
a. The ‘good conditions’ plant should be kept on a sunny windowsill and given a drink of water everyday
b. The ‘no water’ plant should be kept on a sunny windowsill and not watered
c. The ‘no air’ plant should be covered in a plastic bag that’s secured by an
elastic band, but it should be kept on a sunny windowsill and watered
d. The ‘no light’ plant should be kept uncovered in a dark place and watered everyday

Keep a diary to help keep track of what happens to each plant
a. Draw some pictures or take photos
b. Think about how each plant looks different and which plant grew the best

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