
Author // admin
Posted in // News, Scouts

Well done to all the Scouts and Explorers that took part in this years event.

Following on from the success of the 2018 event once again Kent Scouts will be taking to cardboard shelters for the night to raise funds and awareness for Porchlight – Kent’s largest charity for homeless and vulnerable people.

This Autumn, thousands of Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers in Kent will raise funds for Porchlight by spending a night outside in cardboard boxes. The money raised will go straight towards Porchlight’s work helping rough sleepers and vulnerable people across Kent.

  • Last year Porchlight supported over 9,000 people across Kent
  • Porchlight’s free helpline received 33,679 calls
  • They supported more than 619 people who were rough sleeping in Kent
  • Their community mental health service helped 5,800 people
  • £5 could cover the cost of a phone call to our free helpline
  • £25 could provide a pack of essential toiletries and food to someone moving into one of our hostels
  • £80 could pay for furniture and appliances to get someone set up after they move on from Porchlight into their own accommodation